Project number: 2009-333
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $36,425.00
Principal Investigator: Matt Barwick
Organisation: Greenfish Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 28 Feb 2010 - 14 Sep 2010


The linkage between high quality, functional ecosystems and valuable recreational fisheries is generally well understood - particularly by recreational fishers. The affinity that many anglers have with aquatic environs, mean many have experienced the impacts that habitat degradation, water quality decline, alien species incursion, historical overfishing, barriers to fish migration and spread of disease can have on fish stocks. The recreational sector recognise the need to monitor, conserve and rehabilitate natural systems, and have expanded their historical emphasis on stocking in recent years, to include activities such as re-snagging, fishway construction, alien fish species control, litter removal, fish rescue from drought impacted areas, and technology enhancement to minimise environmental impacts, including development of biodegradable and toxin-free fishing tackle. Such initiatives have been funded through a variety of means including fishing licences, fishing club raffles, government grants, and through creation of partnerships. Whilst cumulatively beneficial, the disparate nature of many of these initiatives, and lack of a process through which relevant information can be captured and broadly communicated, means that much of this incredibly valuable work is relatively unknown. This can result in reduced efficiency through duplication of R&D or perpetuation of sub-optimal methodologies, which may hinder outcomes achieved. Possibly most importantly however, it can also mean that the good work undertaken by the recreational community is not well understood by the broader community.

There is a need to examine and compile information relating to conservation initiatives undertaken, funded or supported by the recreational sector, to enable them to communicate (both internally and externally), the good work that is being done, and level of success achieved. This will facilitate knowledge exchange, and provide a valuable tool when communicating the level of environmental custodianship displayed by recreational fishers to environmental groups and the broader community.


1. Through consultation, identify activities (research, monitoring, education or direct environmental remediation) with a conservation or sustainability focus which have been funded, supported, or undertaken by the recreational fishing sector
2. Compile data relating to relevant activities into a single database
3. Where possible, describe how outputs of relevant activities have been utilised, or may be in future
4. Develop a strategy to communicate project outputs to key stakeholder groups

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-58250-4
Author: Matt Barwick

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