Project number: 2009-709
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $118,002.64
Principal Investigator: Janet Howieson
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 14 Dec 2009 - 29 Apr 2012


The West Australian domestic finfish industry faces continuing pressures in the face of rising costs of
production, lowered catch, economic considerations (eg value of Australian dollar) and competition. The
industry also faces the considerable challenge of distance. It is therefore paramount that harvest and
post-harvest strategies optimizes all facets of the supply chain to ensure the maximum profitability from
the harvested product. These strategies may be in relation to improved product quality or yields
(eg due to harvest management strategies, storage techniques or use of novel diagnostic etc tools), more
efficient use of waste, or better economic management
(eg choice of best harvest strategy to minimize costs, logistical interventions or defining optimal market
strategies). This project will initially involve consultation with retailers, processors and fishermen to
identify (by preliminary cost benefit analysis) the key target species where supply chain intervention is most
likely to improve profitability. These chains will then be analysed and possible interventions identified and
piloted to assess possible impacts on profitability.


1. To use supply chain analysis and intervention strategies to increase profitability in at least two WA finfish supply chains,
2. To increase research capacity in finfish supply chain analysis.
3. To increase industry knowledge of and capacity to undertake supply chain analysis.

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