Project number: 2009-729
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $45,950.34
Principal Investigator: Shane L. Comiskey
Organisation: Pinnacle Agribusiness
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2009 - 29 Nov 2009


The project aims to a) resolve a lack of direction for the oyster industry's R & D investment and b)
provide direction for the industry's growth. In order to construct this it is essential to examine:
• Market development
• Production efficiencies
• Supply chain management
• Environmental sustainability
• Community perception
• Industry structure
• Human capital
• Regulatory environment
• Financial performance

The overarching objective is to facilitate industry growth, value and increase farm profitability, hence the reason for a Business Plan rather than a strategic plan.

The Consortium has purposely named the project ‘Business Plan’ as it needed a plan that;
• is more than a strategic plan confined to R & D purposes
• will contain achievable profitability and growth goals having examined industry financials and other
• will propose models for conducting the future ‘business’ of the oyster industry, one of which is likely to
be a new incorporated national entity

Each state has varying levels of strategic plans, some designed for policy direction, others for R&D, but
none examine the industry at a national level. To assist industry set future strategies an analysis of the
national industry and development of a 5 year business plan is required. The business plan will be used
to guide industry advocacy, policy and R&D groups at a state and national level.


1. Create a 5 Year Business Plan, encompassing Sydney Rock and Pacific Oysters in all oyster producing states, containing a series of national prioritised strategies and objectives in each of the key areas: Market development, Production efficiencies, Supply chain management, Environmental sustainability, Community perception, Industry structure, Human capital, Regulatory environment and Financial performance
2. Recommend actions to each of the prioritized strategies within the business plan to provide direction to facilitate industry growth, value and increase farm profitability through the 5 year Business Plan
3. Recommend and prioritise actions for industry R & D, policy and advocacy work through the 5 Year Business Plan

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9806740-1-9
Author: CDI Pinnacle Management
Final Report • 2010-01-01 • 644.43 KB


The Australian oyster industry comprises approximately 550+ individuals and businesses located principally in three states, NSW, South Australia and Tasmania. A predominately family owned, owner-operated industry in 2007, the industry had a projected net farm gate value of between $90 and $100 million. Including owner operators, the industry employs in the vicinity of 2,000 full and part time employees and owners.

This Business Plan provides a national Business R&D plan to the Australian oyster growing sector for the period 2010-2014.

The Business Plan lists 3 core objectives for the Oyster Consortium to address.

  1. To sustainably increase industry production to 20 million dozen, net profit by 10% and industry Gross Value of Production (GVP) to $120 million per annum.
  2. To increase oyster consumption by 13% to 0.93 dozen per capita and achieve an 80% satisfaction rating from our markets and customers through the supply of consistently high quality oysters.
  3. Through the formation of a national industry organization, build capacity, leadership and confidence in the industry through the services it provides to growers and others.

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