Project number: 2010-033
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $135,629.00
Principal Investigator: Mat T. Cook
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2010 - 30 Jan 2012


Preliminary studies of salmon EST03G12 undertaken within FRDC Project #2004/218 did not determine whether it encodes a functional protein and therefore it's biological role in AGD pathology remains largely unknown. However, some evidence was obtained that it might function as either a negative regulator of the innate immune response or a transcriptional factor driving the hyperproliferation of gill cells observed at sites of AGD lesions. Thus it might play a significant role in the development of AGD pathology and in progress the disease. Indeed, if EST03G12 expression impacts negatively on the innate immune response against AGD, it is an obvious target for intervention strategies. However, in order to devise such strategies there is a need to better characterise the EST to examine whether it encodes a functional protein, it's role during the progress of AGD and whether allelic differences in the gene sequence and/or its promoter amongst salmon correlate with differences in their resistance/susceptibility to AGD.


1. Determine whether EST03G12 encodes a functional protein
2. Characterise the role of EST03G12 in AGD pathogenesis
3. Identify polymorphisms and allele frequencies of EST03G12 in Tasmanian farmed salmon
4. Determine whether different EST03G12 alleles confer resistance/susceptibility to AGD

Final report

ISBN: 970 0 646 57776 0
Author: Mathew Cook