Project number: 2010-038
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $93,575.84
Principal Investigator: Sevaly Sen
Organisation: Fisheries Economics Research and Management Specialists (FERM)
Project start/end date: 19 Jun 2010 - 29 Jun 2011


As with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Protected Area and the South-east Marine Bio-regional plan, future social and economic impact assessments of Commonwealth and State declared MPAs/marine reserves are likely to contribute to the estimated quantum and distribution of adjustment assistance for displaced fishing effort.

However, previous experiences of adjustment assistance for displaced effort have never been evaluated as to whether these schemes alleviated the impacts on communities and fishers most affected or whether the assistance provided was used by recipients for what it was intended.

Evaluating these impacts will better inform and shape the intensive marine bioregional planning process over the next two years.

An optimised displaced effort adjustment program should result in:

1. potentially reduced expenditure due to better-targetted assistance
2. faster planning processes for future MPAs.
3. reduced administrative burdens due to lower levels of complaints and challenge.


1. To assess the social and economic impact of the GBR Structural Adjustment Package on displaced effort
2. To identify improvements in current approaches to financial assistance for future displaced effort assistance programmes
3. To provide information which can be used to refine future social and economic ex ante assessments for MPAs

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9872184-0-7
Author: Sevaly Sen

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