Project number: 2010-305
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $269,362.50
Principal Investigator: Lowri Pryce
Organisation: OceanWatch Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2009 - 31 Dec 2010


The FRDC Board asked the FRDC Secretariat to develop an extension plan for the Sydney Fish Market Occupational Health and Safety Video and Quality Index. As a result of this request FRDC approached OceanWatch/SeaNet to develop a plan for the roll out and extension of these project outputs.

Additionally, FRDC has related completed research in the areas that could be incorporated into the extension and add value.

Both OH&S and Quality have been identified by industry as major issues that require on-going action. The FRDC over the past 10 years has invested in numerous projects to develop tools for both issues, however very little has been allocated to extension of these materials.

In recent research funded by both the FRDC and Seafood CRC Quality has been identified as a major issue for the seafood industry. The increased cost of seafood has meant that consumers are becoming heavily focused on quality. The issue of quality, flows onto the credibility and standing of the industry - consumers do not like paying high prices for seafood that has been handled badly or is of poor quality. In addition waste and spoilage are factors that consumers can readily see and have associated with sustainability.


1. To increase the adoption and uptake in relation to R&D which relates to OH&S and quality
2. To develop a set of materials (presentation, fact sheet and references) appropriate to the seafood industry
3. To deliver key messages (including sets of developed materials) to target audience across key processing regions
4. To evaluate the methods for seafood industry extension used in this project to inform future extension activities

Final report

ISBN: 978‐0‐646‐58049‐4
Author: Lowri Pryce

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