At its meeting on 14 july 2010, NORMAC was presented to by a contingent of the Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (CLCAC) on a proposed Thuwathu/Bujimulla Indigenous Protected Area draft management plan plan for the Wellesley Island area. At that meeting the need was identified for better engagement between the CLCAC and the NPF Industry Pty Ltd, to develop and maintain a more harmonious relationship, and capitalise on opportunities for collaboration when dealing with common issues. It was recognised that development and implementation of a strategy to communicate fishing practices and management arrangements in the NPF to Lardil, Yangkaal, Kaiadilt and Gangalidda Peoples would be beneficial in achieving this, to demonstrate the high level of stewardship exercised by NPF operators for the region and its abundant natural resources. There was also recognised value in developing and implementing a strategy to promote and enhance respect for and understanding of indigenous culture and areas of cultural importance in the Wellesley Islands area among NPF operators.
This project seeks to achieve the above-mentioned objectives through facilitating engagement between the NPF Industry Pty Ltd and the CLCAC and Wellesley Island indigenous communities, and development and implementation of a communication strategy between these two groups.
Knowlege gained through this project will also be utilised to identify approaches for improved consultative processes between representatives of other fisheries and indigenous communities with respect to natural resource management.