Project number:
Project Status:
Budget expenditure:
Principal Investigator:
Kate J. Brooks
KAL Analysis
Project start/end date:
7 Mar 2011
29 Jun 2011
Currently there are fragmented standards and no agreement of the indicies that should be used for the social assessment of sustainable marine aquatic resources. This work, while ultimately for the Food and Agriculture Office of the UN, will provide a vehicle to feed previous Australian work into an international forum, to be assessed and potentially used as the international standard of approach to social assessments of ESD.
1. A discussion of role of human wellbeing objectives in guiding the development of specific indicators, reference points and performance measures.
2. A discussion of the different approaches to the development of a human wellbeing assessment framework, all within the context of the ESD Framework originally developed by Flether (2002)
3. A literature review of the current work on indicators for human wellbeing in fisheries taking into account concurrent projects, and published work in the field, not restricted to international and developing world work.
4. Identify recommended objectives and indicators for Human Wellbeing Assessment under EAF for both industry, dependent and national communities
5. Discussion of indicator evaluation for the major components – including reference points and performance measures
and, where possible, discussion of decision triggers and appropriate management responses
6. Discussion of indicator use, interpretation and aggregation options
7. Conclusions and limitations
8. Provision of boxed examples for at least of the indicators identified for each component, with associated reference points and performance measures
Final report
Kate Brooks