Project number: 2011-259
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $25,760.00
Principal Investigator: Ted Loveday
Organisation: Seafood Services Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2012 - 29 Jun 2012


Every time you fly, you listen to the flight attendant state, “In the unlikely event of an emergency, it is important that etc”. The message is continually reinforced so that, in the event of an incident, you will know exactly how to adopt the brace position and put on a life jacket.

Similarly, regular trials of the Seafood Incident Response Plan (SIRP) need to be held to reinforce industry awareness of its existence and ensure that the SIRP is responsive and relevant.

Australian seafood has an excellent reputation when it comes to food safety but we are potentially only one step from a disaster.

E.g. 22 December 2011 headlines “WA grown oysters off the Christmas Menu”. A headline such as this can have a highly detrimental effect on the Australian seafood industry if not properly managed. In this case, the SIRP was implemented as a level 1 emergency (Watching brief).

This does, however, highlight why it is important that the seafood industry is regularly reminded of the existence of the SIRP

SSA on behalf of the Australian seafood industry has been responsible for the development and ongoing maintenance of the SIRP.

The SIRP co-exists with other existing incident response protocols and provide guidance to the seafood industry as to how to respond and thus minimize damage to the industry resulting from an adverse incident.

This SIRP trial workshop is planned as a prelude to the Australasian Aquaculture Conference & Trade Show (1-4 May 2012, at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre)

A unique opportunity exists for key stakeholders to participate in the SIRP trial and attend the Conference.

The key outcomes from the workshop will be presented to conference delegates at Australasian Aquaculture.

The Australian aquaculture industry and associated supply chains will be the major focus of this particular trial.


1. Industry awareness of the role of the Seafood Incident Response Plan will be increased and the linkages between the SIRP, the aquaculture sector, existing seafood recall plans, and emergency planning by food safety agencies will be tested.
2. A trial to test the responsiveness of the aquaculture sector and the wider seafood supply chain to a seafood incident will be conducted
3. The SIRP will be updated following the workshop to ensure that it remains responsive and relevant to today’s environment
4. Engagement with relevant food safety agencies will occur as the success of SIRP is about partnership and collaboration

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9871787-1-8
Author: Ted Loveday

Project products

Plan • 2012-05-01 • 984.16 KB



This Seafood Incident Response Plan (SIRP) was developed by Seafood Services Australia Ltd (SSA) in consultation with the seafood industry and relevant agencies to:

  • provide a proactive, easy-to-follow response to adverse incidents in the seafood industry
  • maintain Australia’s reputation as a provider of safe, high-quality seafood to its customers
  • strengthen consumer confidence in Australian seafood.

As a result of this project a seafood incident response plan was developed (framework with templates and forms) for use in the event of an incident. This can be downloaded below:

Download the Seafood Industry Response Plan


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