Project number: 2011-505
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $60,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jess Jennings
Organisation: Rufus Jennings Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 3 Mar 2011 - 29 Jun 2011


The need for this tender has been specified by the FRDC.

Given that the fishing industry has three distinctly different sectors (aquaculture, commercial, and recreational fishing), there is a wide variety of extension and adoption activities being practiced. This tender recognises the need to better understand the existing extension and adoption activities, but also to identify 'gaps' that may be present in the current mix of practitioner, project and program options. Lessons may be learned from other sectors of the primary industries, such as Australian agriculture or international fishing industries. The knowledge about extension and adoption delivered to FRDC by this tender will enable strategic planning for the most efficient and effective extension and adoption investments in future.


1. Objective 1: Provide a review of all relevant literature regarding extension and adoption activities, including linkages to research and development for commercial, aquaculture and recreational sectors of the fishing industry.
2. Objective 2: Evaluate and report existing extension and adoption practices identified in Objective 1, including target audiences, cost-effectiveness and industry impact of extension and adoption practices across the commercial, aquaculture and recreational sectors of the fishing industry.
3. Objective 3: Identify and document best practice extension and adoption activities, tools and/or methods as case studies across the commercial, aquaculture and recreational sectors of the fishing industry.
4. Objective 4: Identify factors leading to successful and unsuccessful extension and adoption activities.
5. Objective 5: Identify and document case studies of extension and adoption activities beyond the Australian fishing industry (e.g. Australian agricultural industries or international fishing industries) to provide lessons, recommendations and a benchmark of best practices.
6. Objective 6: Identify and document the key factors required to strategically plan future extension and adoption investments across the fishing industry to improve the outputs and outcomes of tomorrow's research and development activities.
7. Objective 7: Provide and present all findings in appropriately formatted reports and give presentations to key stakeholders to ensure the greatest understanding and adoption of this tender's recommendations, such as to the FRDC board, the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Extension and Adoption Network and other bodies recommended by FRDC.

Final report

Author: Jess Jennings
Final Report • 2011-12-16 • 1.85 MB


Australia has particularly diverse marine and freshwater habitats that support many aquatic species and fishing industries.  Over the past 15 years, the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) has planned, invested and managed fisheries research, development and extension to maximise the economic, social and environmental benefits of its stakeholders.  The FRDC is a co-funded partnership between the Australian Government and the fishing industry.  

The FRDC’s stakeholders are the Australian Government and the three sectors of the fishing industry: commercial (wild catch and aquaculture), recreational and indigenous. It is also guided by state and territory governments, other funding bodies, research providers, community and interest groups, and ultimately the people of Australia.

The research undertaken by FRDC is well regarded.  However, recently the organisation and its stakeholders identified a need to improve the extension and adoption of the research being undertaken. This led to the creation of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Extension and Adoption Network (hereafter referred to as The Network). It is comprised of range of stakeholders across states, sectors, and organisations. The Network identified the need to further understand extension and adoption practices, and to identify lessons to be applied across the sector and organisation. 

This research will provide background information on extension and adoption activities and approaches that have been and are being used in the fishing industry. In addition, the research will highlight best practice examples (case studies) that have achieved high levels of adoption, practice change and significant outcomes.  This research will also provide insight into which extension activities should form the foundation for future planning and the approaches and activities that should be considered.

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