Project number: 2012-024
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $750,000.00
Principal Investigator: Scott A. Condie
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 26 Aug 2012 - 7 Jul 2016


A range of human activities influence water quality and other marine environmental values in southern Tasmania. For example, cage based salmon farming is currently restricted to the Huon Estuary, D’Entrecasteaux Channel and Tasman Peninsula, with other activities in these waters having the potential to be affected by, or have an effect on, aquaculture (e.g. industrial processes, urban development, municipal services, fisheries, recreation, tourism). Given the multi-user nature of the marine environment, it is important to recognise the diverse needs and expectations of the broader community when identifying values and evaluating trade-offs in the system as a whole. For example, water quality issues such as eutrophication and nuisance algae are important to both the aquaculture industry and the wider community, while issues such as public access, views and maintenance of recreational assets may be of particular concern to local communities. There is an urgent need to develop and apply innovative tools based on the best available scientific knowledge (e.g. INFORMD) to support consultation, planning and management of aquaculture and other uses of southern Tasmanian coastal waters.


1. For the marine environment of southern Tasmania, characterise key environmental, social and economic values and aspirations from industry, government and community perspectives.
2. Relate these values to measurable indicators based on understanding of key biophysical and socio-economic processes.
3. Develop a framework to support spatial risk assessment for planning of future development within the system, with an initial focus on aquaculture leases.
4. Develop a framework for evaluating spatial risk management strategies, with an initial focus on managing aquaculture leases.
5. Integrate the planning framework (objective 3) and risk management framework (objective 4) into an online tool accessible to key stakeholders.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-0842-2
Author: Scott Condie

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