Project number: 2012-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $119,428.00
Principal Investigator: Jason Downs
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 8 Jul 2012 - 8 May 2013


Aboriginal Nations recognise the need to develop relationships with Government, to educate people and to manage and protect their Sea Country.

•The Ngarrindjeri have expressed this in their sea Country Plan
•The Narungga have developed a traditional fishing management plan
•The Far West Coast has identified the need for this through their Yalata IPA program working across the Head of the Bight.
•The Strategy for Aboriginal Managed Lands in South Australia, SAMLISA 2002 identified the need for healthy waters to protect cultural values.

South Australian Aboriginal Nations are increasingly concerned about the impacts of recreational, industry and regulatory management of their Sea Country. Limited interactions and opportunities are presented for active involvement. Nations are aware of programs in other states and are keen to research and understand these so a South Australian program can be developed in partnership with the South Australian Government. The approach aligns to the 11 key principles from the shaping Indigenous R&D forum in Cairns

This application will provide a mechanism to enable key leaders from the seven coastal Nations to meet for a two day workshop aimed at providing case studies from Aboriginal groups around Australia to understand their models, success and learning’s and apply this to a facilitated workshop with PIRSA to identify a South Australian model that will assist Aboriginal groups and PIRSA move forward together in a collaborative partnership to develop a Sea Ranger program. The state will then identify commercial, state and commonwealth resources to deliver the program.


1. Engagement with all Aboriginal coastal Nations in South Australia to focus on a whole of South Australian Sea Ranger program
2. Participating SA Nations will be informed via a forum of working models by inviting leaders from other state programs to present
3. Relationships with all participating Nations and PIRSA will be strengthened and thereby determine an effective SA model
4. An effective model will be defined, with an approach and timeline to establish a Sea Ranger program for South Australia
5. State and commonwealth agencies will be engaged to develop a collaborative model and approach forward

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-90848-9
Author: Jason Downs

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