Project number: 2012-403
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $113,096.00
Principal Investigator: Ruth Wallace
Organisation: Charles Darwin University (CDU)
Project start/end date: 31 Jul 2012 - 29 Sep 2013


The National Fishing and Aquaculture RD&E Strategy makes note of the ongoing challenge in engagement with stakeholders with specific reference to Indigenous peoples and identifies gaps in capability in regional extension. In areas managed and owned by Aboriginal people, the potential for Indigenous owned and run seafood enterprises is yet to be fully realised. The NT Department of Resources, Fisheries Division has identified the need for a more coordinated and better resourced support service for Indigenous seafood-related businesses is seen as a positive step towards increased participation by Yolngu in the seafood industry. This is a pilot initiative that may be extended.

Previous work has highlighted the pivotal roles of engagement, training development and workforce skill development. The need to develop a program of coordinated education and training in seafood and small business skills has been identified as one of the objectives in this process. The research team has extensive experience in developing Indigenous training frameworks and materials that support the negotiation and implementation of training that is Indigenous led, taught or reinforced in Aboriginal languages, contextualised locally and incorporates multimedia to ensure knowledge is recorded, translated and kept in the community. The current delivery of seafood related training and materials to support enterprise development is not coordinated, the delivery methods are patchy and the areas of study relevant to the enterprise development are not contextualised and often not available in an appropriate mode.

Action on these issues would address FRDC Program 3: Communities; Theme 10 Resilient and supportive communities and the RD&E priorities focused on resilience from the perspective of Indigenous peoples located across the top-end.

The project scope of training frameworks, standards and knowledge structures would also contribute to the RD&E priorities from the perspective of Indigenous peoples as listed in FRDC Theme 12: Workforce development.


1. The development of training frameworks for sustainable seafood based enterprises for Indigenous people
2. Accreditation of a Vocational Training Programme for Indigenous Seafood based Enterprises at Charles Darwin University using Nationally Endorsed Units of Competence
3. Exemplars of contextualised training and assessment plans and materials in English and Yolngu Mathu, in paper and electronic formats.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9924373-4-3
Author: Ruth Wallace

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