Project number: 2012-749
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Ellen Duke
Organisation: Oyster Farmers Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 26 Aug 2012 - 30 Dec 2012

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925983-03-6
Author: Ellen Cameron
Final Report • 2012-12-31 • 161.76 KB


TRAIL (Training Rural Australians in Leadership) is an eight day residential program for emerging leaders. The program consists of two parts, an experiential learning component, and conference style sessions. Participants learn new techniques, strategies and processes and have the opportunity to use them in a variety of situations. This enables participants to experience the difference they can make to situations in their everyday lives.

The oyster industry has a particular need for these skills, as emerging leaders of the next generation are in short supply and are the future of our industry. Without emerging skilled leaders the industry lacks confidence and security in the next generation and will find succession planning becoming increasingly difficult to manage. Without people willing to learn these skills, and people willing to support them, a career pathway can be very difficult to identify. This provides the industry with another challenge regarding engaging, training and retaining the next generation of farmers.

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