Project number: 2013-226
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $38,800.00
Principal Investigator: Neil MacDonald
Organisation: Professional Fishers Association (PFA)
Project start/end date: 29 Oct 2013 - 28 Feb 2014


At present there is no established body for commercial fishers in NSW that can claim to be a representative body of all or at best the majority of fishery licence holders. The PFA currently represents 340 voluntary commercial fishers (approx 1/3 of the industry).

In order to meet the requirements for a representative body to service the industry's licence holders through the reform process and future proposed co-management processes, being established in NSW, it is necessary to develop a framework for licence holder and regional engagement.

There is a need to engage the industry in the development of the industry's component of the co-management framework and to establish the operational requirements of the representative body that services those industry structures and processes, as no such structures and processes exist at present that meets either the Government's or the Industry's requirements.

It has been identified by the Independent Report of the NSW Commercial Fishing Industry and the Government's response to this report that there is a critical need to have a co-ordinated and regional approach to engaging licence holders and fishery sector interests. This is significantly highlighted in discussions of the NSW industry need for co-management arrangements to be developed.

The PFA wishes to ensure that, if it was to modify its structure in response to the NSW Government consultation contract, it does so with an effective and robust governance structure that addresses the needs of the industry and the requirements of the NSW Government.


1. Review the legislative requirements for a representative body under the co-management framework against the current organisational governance arrangements of the PFAI
2. Engage NSW Fisheries and the PFAI to ensure any structures meet their needs and expectations for the representative body
3. Engage licence holders and regional industry groups in the development of models for industry engagement at a local, regional and statewide level
4. Develop governance structures and processes that will deliver the necessary level of industry engagement to ensure the co-management processes have credibility
5. Develop communications processes that will enable effective flow of information to and from licence holders to ensure the integrity of any outcomes or recommendations fed into the co-management process
6. Recommend any governance or institutional changes needed to meet requirements for the separation of the member based representative body roles from the services provided under the co-management process

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9808042-2-5
Author: Neil MacDonald
Final Report • 2015-06-05 • 1.50 MB


The Professional Fishermen’s Association (PFA) was borne out of concern about the future of the commercial fishing industry in NSW. Concern was primarily on the decline in their long term rights to harvest seafood on the behalf of the community.

While the PFA has grown and delivered an effective service to its members, there continues to be a range of issues that constrain its ability to represent the industry at large, as well as, being formally recognised as the voice of the Industry. 

This project is intended to build upon previous studies by C Bishop and P Neville assessing the issues needed to support a peak industry body in NSW. It also sought to identify the issues that will enable the PFA, or a similar body, to be recognised as the representative organisation for the industry in NSW. Further it would provide advice on options for development of co-management frameworks that will enhance industry participation in the consultative processes established by government.

The project included a review of previous advice to government and the Industry on options for the structure of a peak industry body. A review of the co-management processes, roles and funding of the peak industry bodies in Australian jurisdictions was also undertaken. Additionally, it engaged industry members in meetings to identify their thoughts and consideration of options for approaches by the industry and enhanced engagement with government.

Keywords: co-management, peak industry body, leadership, fisheries management, governance, representative body, Professional Fishermen’s Association, PFA

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