Project number: 2014-502
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $74,163.00
Principal Investigator: James Fogarty
Organisation: Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Project start/end date: 8 Apr 2014 - 29 Nov 2015


The Australian Seafood Industry operates in a diverse and dynamic environment and although the volume produced in Australia is small by world standards, the value and quality of our product and sustainability of our practices are globally recognized. For the Seafood Industry to continue to be a world leader in seafood production and quality there must be an opportunity to learn from each other and plan for the future.
The role of Seafood Directions is to provide a significant opportunity for fisheries researchers, fisheries managers and others who work in support of the industry, to examine key contemporary and strategic issues and develop blueprints that will ensure a sustainable, profitable and socially resilient seafood industry in Australia. As stated previously, this function of Seafood Directions is particularly valuable in the absence of a National Peak Industry body representing the Australian Seafood Industry as a whole.

The need for Seafood Directions is indicated by the ongoing supportof key stakeholders of the seafood industry, as is evident by the level of industry sponsorship and attendance at the conference.


1. Plan and deliver the 9th Seafood Directions Conference in Perth Western Australia
2. Maintain a minimum of 200 registrations of which a minimum of 25% should be Harvesters
3. Further securing access rights through promoting the sustainability of fisheries as a result of certification processes and other initiatives
4. Setting the direction for marketing and promotion activities for the fishing industry for the next decade and beyond

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