Project number:
Project Status:
Budget expenditure:
Principal Investigator:
Miles Toomey
2Me Solutions
Project start/end date:
13 Aug 2014
29 Jun 2015
The Love Australian Prawns strategy and campaign has been developed out of CRC Research, and the implementation has been supported by a CRC Employee (Miles Toomey) in it's first year. With the impending closure of the CRC in June 2015, as part of the wind-down plan Mr Toomey's position has been made redundant, as of 13 August 2014. However, there is still a need to support the implementation of the second year of this strategy, and support industry as they move towards another implementation model for later years.
To this end, Mr Toomey will be contracted, via his business (2Me Solutions), to manage the implementation of the second year of the campaign.