Project number: 2015-300
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $160,416.00
Principal Investigator: Emily Ogier
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 28 Feb 2015 - 27 Feb 2018


Phases I&II of the SSRCP successfully raised awareness of the need for, and increased the use of, social science fisheries research to improve fisheries and aquaculture sector outcomes. SSRCP I&ll also highlighted the need for a social sciences reference group for FRABs, researchers, industry and managing agencies, and for coordination of social science fisheries research.

Across this same period the societal needs and drivers impacting marine resource management have increased in importance (Barclay 2012; Mazur, Curtis et al. 2014). Further research activity is needed to address challenges regarding the social impacts, acceptability and sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture and to better integrate research across the social sciences (including economics) and between social and biological sciences. The 2014 FRDC Social Sciences Survey indicated broad support for continuation of SSRCP activity and highlighted the Program’s role in linking social science research outputs with decision-making and representations of the industry, brokering collaborations and in facilitating the uptake of FRDC’s key national interest projects.

While there is clear need for continuing the activities that have been the SSRCP’s remit, there is the scope to extend the suite of activities by working closely with the 'FishEcon' project and, post- 30/06/15, with its legacy activities (in particular the FishEcon Network). Such a partnership will result in efficiencies in the delivery of project activities, including newsletters and other networking activities, and in project administration; provide the opportunity to develop tighter integration between economics and the social sciences in research, extension and capability building.


1. Support the FRDC to meet relevant objectives as outlined in its 2015-2020 RD&E Plan and the National Fishing and Aquaculture RD&E Strategy, as well as other needs arising from FRDC's existing programs and projects
2. Collaborate with the industry and managing agencies to identify emerging issues in wild harvest, aquaculture, post harvest, recreational and indigenous fishery sectors and the associated key social science and economics research needs
3. Co-ordinate and undertake the communication of key social science and economic research needs to the research community and research outcomes of the Program to fishers and management agencies.
4. Provide program management for social science and economics projects to ensure quality and relevance by undertaking evaluation and review of project proposals, and milestone and final reports.
5. Build further capability in fisheries social sciences and economics research to meet the needs of industry and managing agencies in addressing emerging issues in wild harvest, aquaculture, post harvest, recreational and indigenous fishery sectors

Final report

Author: Emily Ogier and Sarah Jennings
Final Report • 2018-01-01 • 644.67 KB


The SSERCP project has been successful in providing timely and relevant advice to the drafting and reviewing stages of RD&E priorities, projects and reports in order to maximise beneficial outcomes of this investment for fisheries and aquaculture. It has been successful in supporting the FRDC and researchers in completing a number of high profile, high impacts projects (including the Social and Economic Evaluations of NSW Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2014-301 and 2015-302, and Beyond GVP 2013-301). It has also been able to establish strong working networks with leaders of other FRDC subprograms and a number of the RACs and IPAs. Capability in economics has been increased under the project, through the Higher Degree Research student projects commenced under the FishEcon project, and the delivery of the Masterclass in Fisheries Economics to managers and industry representatives alike.
The implications of the SSERCP have included:
• Establishment of a trusted multi-disciplinary reference group for industry, management agencies and research providers alike
• Improved collaborations, efficiencies and impact in delivering the social science and economic RD&E that FRDC stakeholders seek
• Improved networks and capability amongst researchers and professional members of industry and government able to deliver and adopt the social science and economic RD&E required
• A way forward for developing and expanding engagement activities by industry and government to address issues arising from reduced social license and acceptability, based on best available information (the ‘License to Engage handbook’)
Major recommendations arising from the SSERCP mid term evaluation include:
• That the FRDC should continue to support the coordination of social science and economics RD&E for fisheries and aquaculture; and, specifically,
• That the FRDC establish a social sciences and economics research subprogram with funds to allocate to RD&E, and in the design of such a subprogram:
  o Seek further mechanisms to consult and collaborate with the RACs and IPAs;
  o Improve the extension and adoption of major social science and economics RD&E project outputs; and
  o Increase awareness of its role and the role of social science and economics RD&E across the broader FRDC membership.

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