Project number: 2016-265
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Graham C. Mair
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 4 May 2017 - 30 Jul 2017


This first phase project is an essential first step to scoping the development of improved commercial scale Pipi holding and purging systems in Australia and to develop export markets for the Goolwa PipiCo products.

There will be two components to this project.

The first will be to fully evaluate the efficiency of Goolwa PipiCo’s existing purging system and identify the key factors which impact on the retention of sand in Pipis. This work will be supported by a Flinders University honours student.

The second component of this project will be a critical evaluation of bivalve holding and purging systems in Europe.

Findings from these two activities will be used to recommend a design for purging systems tailored to effective and consistent holding and purging of Pipis from the Goolwa Pipi fishery.

The Goolwa PipiCo board will then consider this recommendation and apply for a second phase project, with grant (e.g. from Regional Development Programs) and shareholder funding to support the development of this new facility. This facility will be a critical step to producing more reliable product for the domestic market and to produce high quality product for export to markets in Europe and Asia.


1. Review existing purging systems and identify key factors impact success of purging
2. Review bivalve holding/purging systems used in Europe and identify key components of the success of these systems
3. Report to Goolwa PipiCo recommending the key parameters of bivalve holding and purging systems to enable Pipis to be held in land based recirculating aquaculture systems for up to 20 days and to enable consistent and effective desanding of harvested Pipis.

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