Project number: 2017-003
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $933,988.00
Principal Investigator: Jill Briggs
Organisation: Affectus Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2017 - 30 Dec 2020


FRDC has developed the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. The plan details the areas of investment for the industry and provides direction regarding the leadership requirements for the Australia seafood industry. Relevant sections of that document state the following:-
“All sectors of Australian fishing and aquaculture need strong, effective, connected leadership to respond well to the challenges and opportunities before them...Having strong leadership capacity will generate strong fishing and aquaculture communities that are productive, profitable and resilient to change, therefore people development remains an important focus for RD&E...projects include the National Seafood Industry Leadership Program"

The above indicates the ongoing need and support for the NSILP 2018-2020. Additionally, although the NSILP 2015-2017 project is yet to be fully evaluated, there is data indicating a significant increase industry need for the NSILP. This data includes 70 unsuccessful applicants over the course of the project time frame; applicant nominators requesting the reason for unsuccessful application responses and; extremely high caliber applicants who should be accepted into the NSILP being ‘rejected’ over two consecutive years. However, the greatest need remains the ongoing succession of the industry and the need for ongoing opportunity to skill-up and build the knowledge of the individuals who will step into leadership roles.

The NSILP 2018-2020 will address the needs discussed above through providing skill development in key leadership areas such as inter-personal communication, team building and strategy planning. The NSILP will also build industry sector understanding through ensuring an annual diverse participant cohort and seek guests and program speakers who reflect industry breadth and deliver addresses that reflect the range of the industry. The NSILP will raise the positive profile of the industry through building professionalism amongst the participants and through the delivery of a number of participant addresses to the industry.


1. To update the current NSILP through a review and desktop research process
2. To provide NSILP learning materials reflecting the above updated program
3. To facilitate a NSILP application and selection process that results in a diverse cohort of program participants
4. To provide a professionally facilitated nine-day industry leadership program for the seafood community
5. To manage the support and development of (a minimum) fifteen (15) NSILP participants/graduates
6. To create strong networks and succession opportunities between the seafood community and NSILP participants/graduates
7. To create strong networks and succession opportunities between the seafood community and NSILP participants/graduates

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