Project number: 2017-054
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $775,800.00
Principal Investigator: Peter Caley
Organisation: CSIRO Health and Biosecurity
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2017 - 30 Dec 2018


Prior to the introduction of any biocontrol agent, there is a need to undertake a risk analysis of the potential consequences. This application addresses the development of a systematic and quantitative risk assessment that will evaluate the ecological and social risks associated with the use of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3, hereafter ‘the carp virus’) as a biocontrol agent for carp. There is a need for the risk assessment to adhere to global best-practice for ecological risk assessment, and to ensure that requirements under Australian legislation are satisfied. The risk analysis needs to be quantitative, as this allows the uncertainties to be better characterised, and the process to be more transparent and repeatable. A quantitative risk analysis framework will also allow more scenarios to be explored.

We have assembled a highly-skilled multidisciplinary team from within the CSIRO to undertake this work, covering off on the key components of ecological & epidemiological risk assessment and social science.


1. Review state of knowledge in relation to CyHV-3 and it’s impact on carp populations
2. Undertaken a rigorous hazard identification for the introduction of CyHV-3 virus
3. Define ecological and social risk end-points
4. Use realistic model of CyHV-3 spread and impact to assess likelihood of risk end-points occurring.
5. Environmental impact analysis of the introduction of CyHV-3 virus
6. Social impact analysis of the introduction of CyHV-3 virus
7. Finalize risk assessment for the introduction of CyHV-3 virus

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-81476-6
Author: Sam Beckett et al
Final Report • 2019-12-11 • 15.77 MB
2017-054 volume 1 - DLD.pdf


The ecological and social risk assessment detailed in the three volumes of this report was one of the projects funded through the NCCP.
The ecological component of the assessment was undertaken in two parts:
(a) A compilation of the science and epidemiology of CyHV-3 and an assessment of outbreak scenarios, exposure pathways and case studies (volume 1)
(b) An assessment of the risk the proposed release of CyHV-3 may pose to the assets that have been described under the EPBC ACT as Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) (volume 2).
Final Report • 2019-12-11 • 7.97 MB
2017-054 volume 2 - DLD.pdf


The ecological and social risk assessment detailed in the three volumes of this report was one of the projects funded through the NCCP.

The ecological component of the assessment was undertaken in two parts:

(a) A compilation of the science and epidemiology of CyHV-3 and an assessment of outbreak scenarios, exposure pathways and case studies (volume 1)

(b) An assessment of the risk the proposed release of CyHV-3 may pose to the assets that have been described under the EPBC ACT as Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) (volume 2).

Final Report • 2019-12-11 • 3.70 MB
2017-054 - volume 3 - DLD.pdf


The ecological and social risk assessment detailed in the three volumes of this report was one of the projects funded through the NCCP.

The ecological component of the assessment was undertaken in two parts:

(a) A compilation of the science and epidemiology of CyHV-3 and an assessment of outbreak scenarios, exposure pathways and case studies (volume 1)

(b) An assessment of the risk the proposed release of CyHV-3 may pose to the assets that have been described under the EPBC ACT as Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) (volume 2).

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