Project number: 2017-095
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $88,000.00
Principal Investigator: Robert Curtotti
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 27 Jul 2017 - 29 Jun 2018


Statistics on Australian fisheries production and trade provides a source of information for a range of
purposes. The information can be used to meet the needs of the fishing and aquaculture industry, fisheries
managers, policymakers and researchers. It can assist in policy decisions, industry marketing strategies and
the allocation of research funding or priorities. The gross value of production for specific fisheries are used for
determining the research and development levies collected by government. The neutrality and integrity of
GVP estimates is therefore important due to their forming the basis for research levies for each fishery. At the
international level, the Department of Agriculture through Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
Economics and Sciences (ABARES) contributes to a number of international databases. These include
databases managed by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD). Information at the international level can assist in international
negotiations on issues such as transboundary fisheries and analysis of trade opportunities.


1. To maintain and improve the data base of production, gross value of production and trade statistics forthe Australian fishing industry, including aquaculture
2. To provide these data in an accessible form

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-74323-354-2
Authors: Curtotti R
Final Report • 2018-04-01 • 1.22 MB


Since 1991 ABARES has annually published detailed production and trade data in Australian Fisheries Statistics (now Australian fisheries and aquaculture statistics) to meet the needs of the fishing and aquaculture industries, fisheries managers, policy makers and researchers. The research undertaken in this project (2017/095) produced data on the volume and value of production from Commonwealth, state and Northern Territory fisheries, and the volume and value of Australian fisheries trade, by destination, source and product, covering the years 2005-06 to 2015-16. The report also contained industry structure profiles of Commonwealth, state and Northern Territory fisheries.
An important aspect of this project is the requirement to undertake continuous improvement for each subsequent published edition. Improvements should build on each other and are aimed at enhancing the coverage of fisheries so that all commercial fishing activities are included, incorporating industry employment data where available, maintaining the relevance of the data presented in both the production and trade tables, and refining fishery divisions and important species categories. This is achived by publishing the most up to date data available for production statistics and a set of trade data for the same production year.

Project products

Report • 2017-12-01 • 8.68 MB
2017-095 AustFishAquacStats_2016_v1.0.0.pdf


The Australian fisheries and aquaculture statistics report is a comprehensive source of information for the commercial fishing and aquaculture industry, fisheries managers, policymakers and researchers. Since 1991 the report has presented annual updates of fisheries production and trade data and from 2013 it has included data on Australian seafood consumption. Estimates of the gross value of production provided in the report are used for a range of purposes, including to determine Commonwealth, state and territory fisheries research funding arrangements each year.
The report contains data on the volume and value of production from state and Commonwealth commercial fisheries and on the volume and value of Australian fisheries trade by destination, source and product. Profiles of Australian commercial and aquaculture fisheries in 2014–15 and 2015–16 are also provided. These profiles display the number of licence holders by selected species and fishing methods for all Commonwealth, state and territory fisheries. The publication is primarily focused on providing statistics for production volumes and the landings / farmgate value of the commercial fishing and aquaculture sectors of the Australian fishing industry, which also includes the recreational and Indigenous fishing sectors. While information on recreational and customary wild-caught fishing is also included, statistics on the volumes of wild-caught product by these sectors is not provided. As a result, the publication gives only a partial estimate of the total volume of wild-caught production.

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