The project relates to the design, consultation, delivery and reporting of a National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) 'Engineering Options' workshop. The project has been identified as a priority by the Operations Working Group as part of the NCCP and is intended to provide engineering, logistics and contracting knowledge to support high biomass clean up planning and execution.
The proposed workshop will focus on the development and evaluation of options for commercial scale carp clean up and disposal following high biomass carp kills across a wide range of public and private water bodies.
The workshop would be designed and delivered is such a way as compliment the other initiatives that have been, or are being explored by the NCCP, in particular, the recovery and disposal options literature review and the current engagement/investigations underway with the commercial fishing sector.
Final report
behalf of the National Carp Control Program (NCCP), to deliver a project exploring possible engineering
and technology options to address the range of high-biomass clean-up and disposal scenarios associated
with possible deployment of the Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3, hereafter ‘the carp virus’) as a
biocontrol agent for carp (Cyprinus carpio) in south eastern Australia. The project was identified as a
priority by the NCCP Operations Working Group to provide operational, engineering, logistics and
contracting knowledge to support high biomass clean-up planning and execution.
Strategy through identification of a range of suitable works and measures that will effectively and
efficiently reduce the impact of large scale carp mortality in inland waterways.