Project number: 2018-193
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $26,750.29
Principal Investigator: Ian Cartwright
Organisation: Abalone Council Australia Ltd (ACA)
Project start/end date: 29 Mar 2019 - 30 Nov 2019


This workshop will seek to establish a commitment from all stakeholders – industry, managers & researchers – to work towards the rationalisation and consolidation between jurisdictions in the areas of research, monitoring and management. A national commitment to achieving this would be a positive step towards addressing long-standing issues of duplication among sectors as well as lost opportunity for collaboration and the leveraging of resources. In addition, such a commitment will be integral to improving the sustainability of these stocks, while enhancing economic outcomes for industry.


1. To consolidate and exchange information on the range of current and planned assessment and management approaches in Australian abalone fisheries
2. To identify areas of common interest and determine the degree to which common approaches may be adopted across and within jurisdictions
3. To determine where existing research outputs and future research could best be used by managers to improve outcomes and increase industry and the community’s confidence in assessments
4. To consider areas of common interest and prioritise future RD&E investment

Final report

Author: Ian Cartwright
Final Report • 2019-05-20 • 425.64 KB


This workshop sought to establish a commitment from all Australian Abalone stakeholders – industry, managers & researchers – to work towards the rationalisation and consolidation between jurisdictions in the areas of research, monitoring and management. A national commitment to achieving this would be a positive step towards addressing long-standing issues of duplication among sectors as well as lost opportunity for collaboration and the leveraging of resources. In addition, such a commitment will be integral to improving the sustainability of these stocks, while enhancing economic outcomes for industry.

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