Project number: 2019-042
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $105,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jenny Medway
Organisation: AgriFutures Australia
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2019 - 30 Jun 2023


AgriFutures Australia, on behalf of the RDC funding partners, is seeking to develop a sector wide understanding of community trust in rural industries. This scope includes identifying key and material issues with industry stakeholders in order to effectively baseline community sentiment quantitatively. This baseline will then provide data against which additional data collection activities in years two and three may be used to assess sector initiatives designed to improve trust, monitor changes in community trust and its drivers due to external factors, and clearly communicate sector sustainability narratives to key external and internal stakeholders. Moreover, there is significant power in approaching this as a collective of agricultural industries to develop a consolidated, consistent framework for community trust that may then be used in industry-specific ways as required.


1. A stakeholder engagement process to determine the industry’s key social license issues
2. An annual quantitative benchmark survey of community sentiment, including issues identified in the stakeholder engagement process
3. Pathways and models for improving community trust and acceptance over time
4. A report outlining the social insights and trust building strategies
5. Supporting communication material to facilitate interpretation of the data insights and research outcomes

Fact sheet

Fact Sheet • 2020-05-13 • 342.96 KB
2019-042-CTRI Fact Sheet-DLD.pdf


Rural industries (fishers, farmers and foresters) have collaborated to develop a pathway to proactive, transparent, long term engagement with the community via a three-year research program into the drivers of community trust.

Project products

Brochure • 2020-05-13 • 250.76 KB
2019-042-CTRI Infographic-DLD.pdf


Rural industries (fishers, farmers and foresters) have collaborated to develop a pathway to proactive, transparent, long term engagement with the community via a three-year research program into the drivers of community trust
Fact Sheet • 2020-09-01 • 198.61 KB
SEP20028 Community Trust - Infographic Mk4.pdf


The Community Trust in Rural Industries project aims to understand the nature of the relationship between Australia’s rural industries and the community, uncovering the real drivers of trust, risks and opportunities and the connectedness of the sector. It also aims to build capacity of rural industries to improve levels of community trust in their activities and people.
Fact Sheet • 2020-09-03 • 303.89 KB
SEP20028 Community Trust - Fact Sheet MK5.pdf


The Community Trust in Rural Industries project aims to understand the nature of the relationship between Australia’s rural industries and the community, uncovering the real drivers of trust, risks and opportunities and the connectedness of the sector. It also aims to build capacity of rural industries to improve levels of community trust in their activities and people.
Film/Video • 2020-11-18


Webinar presentation, designed for fisheries managers, on the results of the first stage of the research into understanding community trust for rural industries - fishing and aquaculture results.
Film/Video • 2020-11-24


Webinar, designed for presentation to industry, presenting the finding from 'Understanding community trust for rural industries - fishing and aquaculture results'. 

Fact Sheet • 2021-12-31 • 2.83 MB


The Community Trust in Rural Industries project aims to understand the nature of the relationship between Australia’s rural industries and the community, uncovering the real drivers of trust, risks and opportunities and the connectedness of the sector. It also aims to build capacity of rural industries to improve levels of community trust in their activities and people. This fact sheet reports the findings from the second year survey.
Final Report • 25.41 MB


The Community Trust in Rural Industries (CTRI) project has been conducted since 2019, almost 20,000 Australians projecting their voices into the heart of rural industry decision making via a representative annual national survey. The longitudinal nature of this research has provided a rich set of data, illuminating the dynamic nature of community sentiment, the pathways to deeper trust in and acceptance of rural industries, and the challenges that rural industries must continue to focus on.
Fact Sheet • 2022-09-26 • 592.86 KB


Year Three Key Insights – September 2022
Rural industries (fishers, aquaculture producers, farmers and foresters) have collaborated to develop a pathway to proactive, transparent, long-term engagement with the community via a three-year research program into the drivers of community trust.
Report • 2024-03-04 • 13.61 MB


This is the fourth year of the Community Trust in Rural Industries (CTRI) project. To date we have heard from over 22,000 Australians through our nationally representative annual survey. Over time, we have collected a robust set of longitudinal data that sets out the ways in which rural industries can meet industry challenges and create a deeper relationship with the Australian community based on trust.
Publication • 2024-03-04 • 3.97 MB


Expanding our understanding with two new sets of measures that were investigated in 2023:
  • A) Investigating how people are looking for, thinking about and perceiving rural industry information.
  • B) A deep dive into trust and acceptance of retailers to understand differences in trust and acceptance of these groups compared to Rural Industries as a whole.
Publication • 2024-03-04 • 1.46 MB


This document provides a visual summary of the achievements and progress made in the CTRI project during the fourth year of its implementation. It highlights key outcomes, milestones, and insights gained in building trust within rural industries and offers a snapshot of the project's impact and contributions toward fostering trust and collaboration in rural communities.

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