Project number: 2019-095
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,125.00
Principal Investigator: Ben Diggles
Organisation: DigsFish Services Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2019 - 30 Jan 2020


The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is seeking expressions of interest for the revision of the following AQUAVETPLAN Disease strategy manual:
1. White Spot Disease

The Australian Aquatic Veterinary Emergency Plan (AQUAVETPLAN) is a series of manuals that outline Australia’s approach to national disease preparedness and propose the technical response and control strategies to be activated in a national aquatic animal disease emergency.
To assist potential applicants in preparing their expression of interest:
• Current AQUAVETPLAN manuals, including the current version of the AQUAVETPLAN manuals for White spot disease, is available on the Department’s website at AQUAVETPLAN.
• Author guidelines, including the latest template for AQUAVETPLAN manuals, can be provided electronically on request from the Aquatic Pest and Health Policy section (contact details below).
Terms of Reference
The White spot disease manual was first published in 2005, and the second version was published in 2013. This manual requires revision to reflect new scientific knowledge, and to ensure that strategies used for White Spot disease control purposes reflect current ‘best-practice’ approaches.


1. Revision of the AQUAVETPLAN Disease Strategy Manual: White Spot Disease

Final report

Author: Department of Agriculture
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 1.64 MB


This disease strategy for the control and eradication of white spot disease (WSD) is an integral part of the Australian Aquatic Veterinary Emergency Plan (AQUAVETPLAN).
AQUAVETPLAN disease strategy manuals are response manuals and do not include information about preventing the introduction of disease.
This strategy sets out the disease control principles for use in an aquatic veterinary emergency incident caused by the suspicion or confirmation of white spot disease in Australia. The strategy was scientifically reviewed by the Sub Committee for Aquatic Animal Health of the Animal Health Committee, before being endorsed by the Animal Health Committee of the National Biosecurity Committee in February 2020.
White spot disease is listed by the OIE in the Aquatic Animal Health Code. White spot disease is also listed on Australia’s National List of Reportable Diseases of Aquatic Animals (Agriculture 2019).

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