Project number: 2019-208
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $33,000.00
Principal Investigator: Andy Myers
Organisation: Oysters Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 13 Jul 2020 - 13 Dec 2020


The Australian oyster industry has changed considerably since the last national strategic plan was developed in 2014. Disease outbreaks have devasted some regions through direct & in-directs impacts, new cultivation methods have evolved, there has been a shift to corporatisation, and considerable investment & interest has developed for an emerging tropical rock oyster industry in the north of the country. This changing landscape presents new challenges and opportunities.

With the Covid-19 pandemic set to impact significantly on the Australian oyster industry through reduced sales, the need to refocus and unify behind a national strategic plan has never been greater.


1. Develop and extend a Strategic Plan for the Australian Oyster Industry (2020-2025)

Final report

Author: Andy Myers and Len Stephens
Final Report • 2020-12-01 • 1.85 MB


The primary purpose of this plan is to coordinate oyster industry research, development, and extension (RD&E) across Australia to ensure that usable outputs are provided to oyster businesses. The plan outlines a set of RD&E programs and a list of priority projects for which research proposals will be called. There are five programs, each of which have desired outcomes and key performance indicators. Extension and adoption activities will be developed as an integral part of establishing the projects within each of the programs. Non-research activities conducted by Oyster Australia, as the national representative body, are also outlined in the plan. These activities include policy preparation, market development, communication, and advocacy. The plan forms an integral part of the Industry Partnership Agreement (IPA) between Oysters Australia and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC). Oysters Australia will work closely with FRDC to manage the portfolio of projects.

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