Perkinus olseni is a protozoan parasite that has negative effects on three commercially harvested abalone species in Australia – blacklip, greenlip and Roe’s. Disease manifestation ranges from high mortality (e.g. New South Wales; Liggins and Upston 2010) to chronic clinical infection (Gudkovs 2016). Chronically infected animals often exhibit extensive macroscopic lesions rendering the product unsaleable. Outbreaks in the 1980s in the South Australian (SA) Central Zone (SACZ) fishery removed 15 t of greenlip catch, with partial recovery of the fishery taking 30+ years. Avoidance of fishing areas in the SA Western Zone (SA WZ) abalone fishery with high prevalence of Perkinsus-related lesions has displaced ~10% (11t.yr-1) of blacklip catch to alternative fishing grounds, exacerbated quota reductions and likely cost the fishery in excess of $10 million over the past ten years.
The impact of Perkinsus on abalone fisheries has not been fully quantified and the factors driving prevalence and disease expression are unknown. This information is fundamental for the effective management of this disease, and in particular the prevention of its spread and proliferation.
Understanding the impacts of Perkinsus on abalone fisheries and developing strategies for mitigating impacts are the highest priority research need of the SAWZ. These aims are also relevant to the Abalone Council Australia strategic plan and supported by the SACZ and SA Southern Zone abalone fisheries because of the threat this disease poses to both fisheries.
This project will consolidate current knowledge on Perkinsus, describe the impact and drivers of the disease in Australia, and determine whether shucking at sea is a high risk. This information is necessary to mitigate the spread and impact of the disease where abalone are currently shucked at sea. If shucking at sea is a high risk we will evaluate alternative ways in which harvesting can occur without further disease spread.
Project number:
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Principal Investigator:
Ben Stobart
University of Adelaide
Project start/end date:
31 Dec 2020
30 Dec 2023
1. Assessment of the economic impact of Perkinsus olseni on blacklip and greenlip abalone fisheries
2. Identify environmental factors influencing the expression of clinical perkinsosis
3. Preliminary evaluation of the fate of viscera discarded at sea
4. Evaluate whether Perkinsus zoosporangia can be detected in faecal pellets following ingestion by fish or other viscera consumers (laboratory trials)
5. If objective 4 indicates zoosporangia detection in fish faeces, hold a workshop to evaluate ways in which harvesting can occur without further disease spread.
Assess the future needs of Australia's aquatic animal disease diagnostic system
1. Undertake stakeholder consultation to inform future demands on the diagnostic system over the next 5 to 10 years considering the current diagnostic landscape, and the emergence of new diagnostic needs and technologies.
University of Sydney (USYD)
Analysis of historical sea urchin research for improved management of nearshore fisheries in New South Wales
1. Analyse historical unpublished data on the ecology of Centrostephanus and its interactions with nearshore biota and augment the findings with oral histories of fishers to inform desirable outcomes for nearshore reef management
University of Wollongong
Indicators for density and biomass of exploitable abalone – developing and applying a new approach
1. Use the Victorian Western Zone (and other fisheries data, where available) as a test-bed to develop and evaluate a new approach to calculating density and biomass indicators of exploitable abalone.
Western Abalone Divers Association (WADA)