Project number: 2020-055
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $75,000.00
Principal Investigator: Alison J. King
Organisation: Australian Society For Fish Biology Inc
Project start/end date: 13 Jul 2020 - 28 Dec 2023


In the face of mounting pressure on Australia’s marine and freshwater ecosystems, there is a continuing need for robust scientific information to support the sustainable development and management of our aquatic resources. The ASFB is Australasia’s premier professional association for fish and fisheries researchers. The annual science conference makes an important and tangible contribution to skill development of people involved in fish and fisheries research and management, particularly offering students and early career researchers opportunities to present their work, interact with peers and develop collaborative links. The ASFB has a strong commitment to promoting and communicating science, encouraging sustainable management practices, encouraging excellence in fisheries research, and recognizing outstanding contributions of scientists and professionals through various awards and scholarships. Additionally, the ASFB has recognised the need for increased international engagement via increased active involvement with in particular World Council of Fisheries Societies and with the American Fisheries Society.
This proposal is seeking sponsorship support for the annual science conference in 2020 (virtual conference due to COVID-19 restrictions), 2021 (WFS congress, Adelaide), 2022 (Joint congress with Indo-Pacific Conference, Auckland) and a series of conference associated awards that support student travel and recognise research excellence. The proposal addresses three people development program goals, namely (i) to encourage knowledge transfer and R&D adoption (ASFB annual science conference) and (ii) to recognise and promote achievements (ASFB awards) and (iii) to enhance industry leadership (bringing together a range of people for the annual conference). These activities will encourage participation and exchange of information and provide an opportunity to develop networks and collaborations with outside organisations. In addition, we also seek support to hold an event at the WFC in Adelaide to celebrate the Society’s 50th year and promote the achievements of Australia and New Zealand’s fish and fisheries science over the last 50 years.


1. Provide a forum for researchers, managers and stakeholders to meet to discuss issues relevant to fish and fisheries science and management
2. Support, encourage and recognise achievements of early career researchers
3. Support and encourage student participation at ASFB's annual science conference and key international conferences
4. Support and promote the ASFB 50th anniversary at the WFC 2021
5. Increased international profile of ASFB via greater participation in activities of World Fisheries Council and planning for World Fisheries Congress

Final report

Authors: Alison King Brendan Ebner Gretchen Grammer John Morrongiello
Final Report • 2023-06-01 • 1,018.64 KB


The Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) was founded in 1971 and is a professional, independent, non-profit, non-commercial and non-aligned organisation. The Society’s objectives are to promote research, education and management of fish and fisheries and to provide a forum for the exchange of information. The Society promotes an egalitarian and welcoming atmosphere; encourages participation by all members, particularly students; promotes the use of fish research (as defined in the broadest sense) and management of fisheries and aquatic systems; provides access to expertise on fish and fisheries; facilitates professional networks and assists with career development and promotes discussion and workshops on topics of relevance and interest.
The operations of the Society are supported by an Executive Council, with membership representing all States and Territories, New Zealand and student members, and a senior Executive team (President, Vice president, immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer). The Society also has a number of active Committees: Education, Alien fishes, Threatened Fishes, Fisheries Management, Future of the Society, and the newest committee on Fish Welfare. These committees report to the Executive and members (see website links for the Terms of Reference for each committee).
Annual conferences/workshops have been held each year since the Society's inception and provide a forum for scientists, managers, and industry from around Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere to meet and discuss the most recent developments in fish and fisheries science and management. The Society has also hosted a number of successful international conferences, including the 2nd World Fisheries Congress (1996), World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas (2002) and 8th Indo Pacific Fish Conference (2009). The Society has also hosted a number of successful workshops, with the aim of focussing on a particular technical area or subject for discussion. The Society has a National Conference/Workshop coordinator, to assist future local organising committees and ensure corporate knowledge in this area is maintained.

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