Project number: 2020-067
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $434,706.32
Principal Investigator: Steve J. Eayrs
Organisation: Smart Fishing Consulting
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2021 - 28 Dec 2023


The SeSAFE project has to date focused on raising safety awareness and the development/delivery of safety training modules. This is a response to current inadequacies in safety training in the fishing and aquaculture industry.

It is now timely for SeSAFE to address other inadequacies in safety training by:

• Filling the gap that allows new crew to step foot on a dangerous work platform before receiving any safety training
• Providing consistent safety training content to all fishers nationwide
• Promoting SeSAFE as the industry benchmark in pre-sea safety training, that also serves to demonstrate achievement towards duty-of-care requirements
• Developing a standard of achievement and certificate of completion, for use as a recognised industry standard and potential requirement for employment at sea
• Overcoming jurisdictional inconsistencies and inadequacies in safety training
• Developing fishery-specific modules for multiple fisheries, to complement onboard safety inductions
• Extending SeSAFE training to seafood processors, fishery observers, and others
• Establishing a secure funding base to ensure persistent, long-term delivery of SeSAFE training as well as a permanent hosting organisation, e.g. Seafood Industry Australia.

There is also a need to continue existing SeSAFE activities because:

• Many fishers and others are anticipating recurrent safety training
• SeSAFE is one of the few sources of fishery-specific safety training, such as safe handling of fishing gear
• It will leverage progress and momentum toward improved safety performance, which may otherwise be foregone
• Several agencies, e.g. the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, are poised to use SeSAFE to provide safety training
• SeSAFE training means individuals can avoid group training sessions and reduce the risk of Covid 19 infection.

SeSAFE training responds to Objective 3 of FRDC’s National RD&E Seafood Industry Safety Initiative Strategic Plan 2019/21, 'Increase uptake by industry of workplace safety and safety training programs and education tools', by serving the education component of the Strategic Plan.


1. INFORM, via an independent review, the design and application of user-pay funding models in Australian primary industries, the potential for a similar model to be introduced by SeSAFE in the fishing and aquaculture industry, and steps recommended to realise this outcome.
2. TRANSITION to a user-pays funding model to perpetuate the cost-effective delivery of SeSAFE training, based on the outcome of the independent review, and to Seafood Industry Australia or other party hosting the SeSAFE program at the conclusion of this project.
3. RETAIN delivery of SeSAFE training to existing users in the Australian fishing and aquaculture industry.
4. EXPAND the number of industry bodies, fishing and aquaculture companies, independent fishers and aquaculture workers, processors, observers, researchers, and others utilising SeSAFE training on a recurrent basis.
5. EXPAND the number of fishery-specific modules beyond those already developed for the ACPF, including completion of fishery-specific modules for the Western Rock Lobster Council and weather forecasting modules for the Bureau of Meteorology.
6. PROMOTE SeSAFE as the industry benchmark in pre-sea safety training to meet duty of care requirements.
7. INCENTIVISE the use of SeSAFE training, including through formal recognition of SeSAFE training by AMSA and others, certification, and potential rebate by insurance agencies.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-70096-0
Author: Smart Fish Consulting
Final Report • 2024-08-30 • 1.79 MB
2020-067 DLD.pdf


This project aimed to improve safety performance in the fishing and aquaculture industry, establishing a foundation for future development and training of a greater number of crew on a regular basis.

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