Project number: 2020-127
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $290,901.00
Principal Investigator: Jo-Anne Ruscoe
Organisation: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)
Project start/end date: 1 Aug 2021 - 29 Aug 2025


The Australian Barramundi Farmers' Association(ABFA) is the peak representative organisation for the Australian farmed barramundi industry. We exist to facilitate the profitable and responsible development of the Australian Farmed Barramundi industry. reserch, development and extension of knowledge to industry is a core function of the association.

There is a need to maintain cohesive and strategic direction of ABFA RD&E in line with the ABFA 2020-25 Strategic Plan, and in alignment with the Indusry partnership Agreement.
Communication and extension across members, service providers, funders and other key stakeholder groups on RD&E needs and outcomes is required.

This project is needed to give effect to the ABFA's responsibilities in planning, investing in and managing of RD&E and the adoption of RD&E results, in acordance with the IPA.


1. Maintain cohesive and strategic direction of ABFA RD&E in line with the ABFA Strategic Plan
2. Support development and management of RD&E that addresses industry priorities
3. Effective communication and extension across members, service providers, funders and other key stakeholder groups
4. Identify opportunities for additional leveraging, cash and in-kind contributions.

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