Project number: 2021-021
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $680,074.00
Principal Investigator: Gordon Yearsley
Organisation: Ellipsis Editing
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2021 - 29 Jun 2025


Australian Standards have status and are recognised as best practice, but are not legal documents. However, a Government can reference a standard in legislation and it becomes mandatory.
AS 5300 is not yet mandated in Australia, but is listed in the FSANZ Standard 2.2.3 - Fish and Fish Products as an advisory note ( ) and AS 5301, is not reference anywhere.

Both SRB's recognise and industry stakeholder groups, recognise the standards must be mandated within FSANZ or other appropriate legislation. It is key that legislation covers the complete supply chain including food service, for the Standards to become fully effective. Further communication and extension of the required to support better adoption. Through this project, we will continue to articulate the need for the standards to become consumer law, whilst also advocating for further industry adoption of the standards.

The use of standard names achieves outcomes that are consistent with the aims of the seafood industry and Government:
1. Improved monitoring and stock assessment enhances the sustainability of fisheries resources.
2. Increased consistency and efficiency in seafood marketing to improve consumer confidence and industry profitability.
3. Improved accuracy and consistency in trade descriptions enables consumers to make more informed choices when purchasing seafood and reduces the potential for misleading and deceptive conduct.
4. More efficient management of seafood related public health incidents and food safety through improved labelling and species identification.

FNC undertook a stakeholder survey (Attachment1), with the key net benefits considered to be: consistency, integrity, transparency, improved management of food fraud and food safety and strengthening public, consumer and stakeholder confidence of the industry. These net benefits align with the FRDC's Fish forever 2030 vision and R & D Plan 2020-25; with strong relevance to Strategy V: Provide foundational information and support services; and Outcome 5: Community, trust, respect and value.
Attachment 2 & 3: Letters of support and net benefits summary show for further support of the Standards.


1. To improve the content and relevance of AS 5300 and AS 5301 including underlying procedures to meet market, regulator and stakeholder needs and expectations.
2. To develop communication and extension plans for enhancing the understanding and use of the Standards for relevant stakeholders.
3. Implement and deliver communication and extension plans in collaboration with FRDC communications team to the key stakeholders, other FRDC services, broader seafood industry, government and other relevant users for increased uptake and use of AS 5300 and AS 5301.
4. To explore and develop opportunities to create efficiencies in administrating the Fish Names and Aquatic Plant Names SRB's.
5. Meet audit requirements for maintaining both AS 5300 and AS 5301 accreditation.

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