Project number: 2021-024
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $393,707.00
Principal Investigator: Nicholas R. McClean
Organisation: University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2021 - 29 Jun 2023


From call:

To effectively implement the new legislative requirements and Commonwealth fisheries resource sharing framework, the Commonwealth is seeking to develop an appropriate ‘Indigenous engagement strategy’. This engagement strategy will also be relevant for other Australian jurisdictions. The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) are key stakeholders in this work and will have significant input. It is also envisaged that the Australian Fisheries Management Forum (AFMF), comprised of the Directors of Fisheries in each jurisdiction and the Commonwealth and its Indigenous subcommittee will be kept abreast and engaged regarding the research outputs.


1. To develop a strategy to guide effective engagement between Indigenous fishing interests and management agencies responsible for Commonwealth fisheries, and with applicability to appropriate state and local level processes.

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