Through consultation with Oysters Australia (OA), NineSquared feels that the oyster industry would significantly benefit from a targeted understanding of what opportunities exist in the carbon neutral and environmental accounting space and how they specifically apply to the industry, the benefits, and path to implementation.
This approach would include:
• Development of strategic advice for the industry as a whole
• Outline current options available to industry and accreditation pathways
• Summarise value to the industry as well as the individual farmer and identify/discuss any limitations.
• Understand any existing research limitations in progressing towards accreditation
This work aligns with the objectives of Oysters Australia Strategic Plan- Program1,2 and 4 as well as the FRDC Blue Carbon Report in progressing investigations into opportunities for sustainable and carbon neutral aquaculture
Final report
to sustainability and reducing and offsetting product and supply chain
emissions to become carbon neutral and the benefits of acquiring
carbon neutral certification. Whilst these independent certifications do
not provide for payments to oyster growers through a carbon offset
market, they do present value through their ability to influence
consumer choice, encourage supply chain and operational efficiencies
to reduce emissions whilst providing confidence to the investment
market on sustainability and stewardship.