Project number: 2022-061
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jackson Taber
Organisation: Australian Prawn Farmers Association (APFA)
Project start/end date: 1 Dec 2022 - 31 Jan 2025


This project addresses a key R&D priority of the APFA Strategic Plan 2020-2025: Human Capital and Emerging Technologies. The APFA is committed to continuing to develop an industry wide workforce development plan that encourages leadership, upskilling and opportunities. This project seeks to upskill members from 2022-2024 by providing a scholarship to support APFA members to participate in the NSILP training, the industry will benefit from an increased capability and provide opportunities to develop effective business strategy. Additionally, this project seeks to fund 2 APFA members to attend conferences/workshops which provide leadership opportunities. APFA members will benefit from exposure to the wider Australian seafood industry that will stimulate innovation and networking to discuss industry issues, workshop solutions, teach best practices, share knowledge, and plan for the future of the seafood industry.


1. Sponsorship towards members to participating in the National Seafood Industry Leadership Program
2. Sponsorship towards leadership opportunities through attendance at leadership development programs and/or industry conferences

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