Project number: 2022-174
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $165,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jayne M. Gallagher
Organisation: Honey and Fox Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 4 Apr 2023 - 1 Jun 2025


The Clarence River Region is known for its high-quality prawn markets. The region was kept profitable during COVID restrictions due to a significant portion of the fisher directing its product to the highly profitable bait market. This diversification away from the consumer market has ensured stability for the region. Many fishing businesses pivoted their strategies to meet this new buyer to the region. The loss of the uncooked prawn market in the Clarence region will therefore destabilize the industry.
The restriction of uncooked prawn trade therefore must be addressed through market research, diversification and activation.
However, there is immediate need for alternative markets so an intense focused market activation and access is the key.
PFA has identified key market persons that can create links between industry and high-end chefs to:
1. Identify alternative market uses that fall within the quarantine requirements
2. Start immediate market trials and activation
3. Review online presence and build industry skills to improve online presence for sales
• It is intended that this will lead into immediate supply agreements to these alternative markets that will in turn remove burden on the existing cooked prawn market


1. To identify and trial supplies of Clarence River prawns to alternative market
2. To activate alternative markets to reduce negative impact of trade restriction to the Clarence River region
3. To build skills within local fishers to build online presence

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