Project number: 2022-175
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $6,000.00
Principal Investigator: Ryan Day
Organisation: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart
Project start/end date: 7 Sep 2023 - 30 Oct 2023


Presentation of study results in a plenary session - having the opportunity to present in a plenary session provides the opportunity to communicate research results to a highly relevant cohort of colleagues who are also active researchers in the field of aquatic noise. Directly communicating the results will raise the profile of the project, ensuring wider attention and citation of FRDC funded research. We are also hoping to develop collaborative efforts with these colleagues to extend the findings of the FRDC funded project into additional projects in the future to value-add to the already conducted research. Attendance at the conference will also provide Ryan with insight into the current state of research from other experts, potentially leading to innovative research avenues in the future.

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