Project number: 2022-194
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $112,000.00
Principal Investigator: Tracy J. Lloyd
Organisation: Tracy Lloyd Consulting
Project start/end date: 20 Jun 2023 - 29 May 2025


Through the online platform, potential and existing employees will understand and have access to employment opportunities, resources to help build their knowledge, skills, competencies and experience (capabilities), identify career progression, training and development opportunities.

The platform content will focus on creating a positive/realistic narrative by providing a balanced portrayal, telling the story of seafood as a sustainable, future focused industry with growth opportunities and varied career options for all skill levels. Enabling an eye-opening experience, users will respond positively to being exposed to the breadth and depth of the seafood industry. Showcasing the variety of roles, sustainable solutions, low barriers to entry as well as transferability of skills will help paint the picture of a varied and inclusive industry where all are welcome.

This project aims to utilise existing and generate new content, as identified in project research to enable a successful platform launch.


1. Work through the collateral database assessment to prioritise and address gaps
2. Map industry career pathways, role type, skills, qualifications and courses for platform launch
3. Generate new and re-purpose existing content/collateral for platform use
4. Provide expertise to inform career tool development (post platform launch)
5. Support FRDC and SIA to engage and support stakeholders in the project

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