Project number: 2023-016
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $308,455.00
Principal Investigator: Matthew Whittle
Organisation: Huon Aquaculture Group Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2023 - 30 May 2024


Huon plans to send 14 delegates to Aqua Nor conference in Trondheim, Norway in 2023. The schedule for the Aqua Nor visit includes:
• 21st August 2023 – Conference
• 22nd August 2023 – Trade show and exhibition
• 23rd August 2023 – Trade show and exhibition
• 24th August 2023 – Trade show, exhibition and student day
• 25th August – 30th August 2023 – Site and company visits

Huon Aquaculture intends to send a range of employees across multiple operational divisions on the professional development tour including:
• Huon CEO – Henry Batista
• General Managers: extensive industry and research experience (generally >25 years), including some with PhDs. Regularly the lead investigators for research programs for their respective divisions (Freshwater, Marine, Fish Performance and Processing).
• Regional Managers: very experienced aquaculture personnel who are responsible for the day to day operations at each of Huon’s marine zones. Regularly implement trial or pilot programs such as; automated mort retrieval systems, oxygen delivery trials and lighting trials.
• Fish Performance Managers: experienced aquaculture personnel who are technically minded. Responsible for managing the fish health and performance at each of Huon’s zones.
• Project Managers: experienced aquaculture professionals who are responsible for the management of projects, many of them innovative.

NordicRAS Conference:
Huon plans to send three staff to the NordicRAS conference in Tromsø, Norway in 2023. The schedule for the conference includes:
• 3rd October 2023 – Conference and workshop dinner
• 4th October 2023 – Conference
• 5th October 2023 – Guided technical tour
Huon Aquaculture intends to send its freshwater technical staff who have extensive technical knowledge in operating state of the art RAS systems. Information gained from the conference will provide valuable insight into the proposed development of Huon’s new Whale Point 2 facility.

Fish Health Conferences:
Huon staff will attend the following fish health conferences in 2023:
• International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish
o Location: Scotland, UK
o Date: 11-14th September 2023
o Workshops: histopathology, AMR in aquaculture, one health and animal health and welfare in aquaculture
o Site visits: TBC
o Huon staff attending: Group Fish Health Manager (company vet)

• FRDC Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity Conference:
o Location: Cairns, Australia
o Date: 3-7th July 2023
o Topics: Diseases in finfish, diseases in molluscs, diseases in crustaceans, emergency disease response, epidemiology and other aquatic animal health and biosecurity tips
o Huon staff attending: Group Fish Health Manager (company vet) and fish performance managers

• The World Aquaculture Conference:
o Location: Darwin, Australia
o Date: May 29th – June 1st 2023
o Trade show, guest speakers, conferences, networking events
o Conference topics include: hatchery and farm designs, vaccination, biosecurity, disease surveillance, grow-out nutrition and feeds, hatchery, RAS, larval feeds and fish escapees
o Plans to meet with Prime Animal Feeds to discuss available products
o Huon staff attending: Fish Health Technical Officer

• Barcelona Seafood Expo and Processing and Rendering Equipment Site Visit:
o Location: Barcelona, Spain and Roervik, Norway
o Date: 23rd April – 7th May 2023
o Barcelona Seafood Expo (25th – 27th April) – educational sessions, networking events, conferences, and exhibitions
o Processing and rendering facility – View the latest gutting and grading systems for Salmon processing and rendering facilities
o Huon staff attending: National Processing Manager and Processing Engineer Manager.

Employees from Huon’s freshwater operations will be particularly interested in advancements in Recirculated Aquaculture Systems (RAS). With the completion of the state-of-the-art onshore salmon nursery facility Whale Point and proposed development of Whale Point 2, this will be an excellent opportunity for employees to identify the latest technology associated with RAS and improve any of the current operational practices.

Huon’s marine operations employees will have a broad interest, which reflects the diversity of innovations Huon has previously implemented. Huon’s pioneering move and current expansion into offshore sites will mean there is particular interest in technologies that will allow Huon to expand and farm more efficiently in high-energy sites. For example, alternative pen and net designs for high-energy sites, improved feeding infrastructure and technology and automated net-cleaning technology. It will also be important for Huon to develop and maintain relationships with experts in this field to ensure Huon continues to remain at the forefront of rapidly developing technology.

The FRDC funding will be used for travel and accommodation for Huon delegates. Huon will provide in-kind contributions covering administration (trip planning), staff time for attending the events, completing trip reports and extension activities and meals, drinks and insurance. The funding will also be used for additional activities associated with site and company visits during the trips and conferences. Individual trip reports will be produced by delegates and a final consolidated report will be produced and widely distributed within the company. The report will also be made available to the FRDC.

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