Project number: 2023-031
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $89,532.00
Principal Investigator: Andrew Sullivan
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2023 - 30 Dec 2026


Project funding will provide the PI with additional resources that enable him to focus on achieving the requirements and objectives of his research and PhD completion to a high standard and on-time.

The project funding application covers four key areas:

1. Additional stipend: to provide an adequate living allowance.
2. Travel: attendance of international conferences is a key vehicle to build skills an experience in the international policy and diplomacy fields as well as providing the opportunity to collect valuable research data. These skills and networks will ultimately benefit the Australian fishing and aquaculture community through the sharing of knowledge and networks.
3. Training: Facilitation training has been identified as an opportunity for development
4. Communication and content creation: developing content to assist with promoting and communicating the results of the research.

Having members and advocates of the Australian fishing and aquaculture community informed and skilled in the way international governance agreements are developed and then translated into domestic policy is extremely important, and a current gap in our capability and capacity.


1. Research and describe the genesis of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy as novel multilateral governance intervention.
2. Research and describe the operation, function and objectives of the High level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.
3. Critically analyse Australia's progress in meeting its commitments as a founding member of High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.
4. Successful completion and fulfilment of the requirements of the PhD.

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