Project number: 2023-080
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $750,000.00
Principal Investigator: Veronica Papacosta
Organisation: Seafood Industry Australia (SIA)
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2023 - 31 Oct 2025


This project will provide a wholistic decarbonisation decision platform as the aquaculture industry builds its climate resilience. This will directly continue the work from existing projects (Climate Resilient Wild Catch Fisheries FRDC - Project Number: 2021-089) and offers both a ‘one stop shop’ approach for viable available options, as well as emerging solutions that are forecast.

The key activities are:
1 | Develop an aquaculture emissions operational framework
2 | Undertake a technical readiness assessment - challenge and
advantages, viability and scalability working with micro-project partners
3 | Undertake a suite of early mover pilot projects
4| Develop a Decarbonisation e-decision map
5 | Develop policy and funding reports to inform governance + policy makers + potential investors
6| Develop and deliver supporting outreach & communications assets

We are confident that our funding proposal offers a unique whole of industry pathway for decarbonisation, can leverage from BECRC technical experiences and programs and SIA membership networks, but also importantly take into account opportunities available to accelerate action around company readiness.

Association micro project partners:

Early mover pilot project partners + NEW*
Tassal Group
Huon Salmon
Yumbah Aquaculture
Ocean Road
*NEW This project will also accommodate an additional commercial partner looking for ocean energy focused solutions. This pilot will be subcontracted to AOEG through FRDC.


1. To understand challenges facing the aquaculture sector relating to a changing climate, building resilience and accelerating decarbonisation
2. To determine opportunities to respond to those challenges, and validate solutions
3. To engage with industry leaders and innovators to explore and validate viable, feasible and scalable options towards climate resilience
4. To demonstrate rapid and practical progress towards climate resilience and elements of SIA’s Our Pledge
5. To build partnerships and relationships with national and global leaders to enable advancement of prioritised solutions that will enable improved climate resilience

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