Project number: 2023-117
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,000.00
Principal Investigator: Kerrie A. Rubie
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QLD) - Hermitage Research Facility
Project start/end date: 22 Mar 2024 - 12 Sep 2025


Should the FRDC be happy to provide sponsorship at a 'gold' level, as requested, the following benefits will be offered:
- FRDC invited to sponsor a specific competition prize/award.
- FRDC logo to be included in the competition coordinator's signature block in all competition email correspondence.
- FRDC logo to be included in all official 2024 competition publications (eg, competition instructions/guidelines resource, event invitations, event programs, certificates, etc).
- FRDC logo/banner displayed at promotional events including on stage at the Awards Day & Ag Science Expo (13 August 2024).
- FRDC representative(s) Invited to attend and present awards during the Awards Day & Ag Science Expo.
- FRDC acknowledged verbally during the welcome address at the Awards Day & Ag Science Expo.
- FRDC representative invited to give a 5-10min speech at the Awards Day & Ag Science Expo.
- FRDC invited to set up a trade display at the Awards Day & Ag Science Expo.
- FRDC's website linked to the DAF competition website.
- FRDC acknowledged in all DAF competition media releases. The competition attracts widespread media coverage throughout the year.
- FRDC's social media handles included in competition social media posts.
- FRDC promotional materials can be distributed to students and guests at the Awards Day & Ag Science Expo and/or in prize packs mailed to schools.
The 'Sponsorship Proposal' document outlines all details of the sponsorship opportunity and alternative arrangements may be discussed.


1. Improve awareness and understanding to attract capable people in fishing and aquaculture
2. Students, educators and fishing and aquaculture stakeholders are connected
3. Fishing and aquaculture is competitive and complementary with Agriculture to attract and engage people

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