Project number: 2023-140
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $135,000.00
Principal Investigator: Robert A. Bell
Organisation: Blueshift Consulting
Project start/end date: 2 Nov 2024 - 29 May 2025


This project is a strategic initiative to support seafood businesses in diversifying into new economic markets. Amidst evolving global challenges and the impact of Covid-19 on the seafood industry, the need for diversification is more pressing than ever. The proposed project addresses this need by providing seafood business with the necessary support and resources to diversify into a sector which boasts much potential: seafood tourism. Seafood tourism presents a practical and feasible approach to diversification, which leverages the intrigue of marine environments and the seafood production process. Whilst feasible, there are inherent challenges and risks involved in pursuing this diversification pathway. This project directly responds to the request of F&A for support in navigating the diversification process. Central to its approach, is the delivery of decision-support tools which can facilitate informed decision-making and mitigate potential risks involved in diversifying. These tools will be vital in ensuring F&A businesses make sound and strategic decisions regarding their suitability to different seafood tourism models.


1. Identify the range of seafood tourism business models and determine success factors for different models.
2. Document and compare the operating environment and the regulations in each jurisdiction (across production, food safety, tourism) for establishing and maintaining seafood tourism enterprises.
3. Identify the business capacity and capability needed for successful seafood businesses, inclusive of skills, assets, and networks.
4. Develop decision support tools for seafood operators to undertake a first pass assessment of the potential suitability of different tourism models.

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