FISH Vol 26 1 Back to FISH magazine
PUBLISHED 1 Mar 2018

FISH is the official newsletter of the Fisheries Research & Development Corporation. It is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. The hard copy version is distributed widely throughout the industry via direct mail. To obtain a hard copy of "FISH", please fill in your details on the FRDC subscribe form towards the footer of this page. Information may be reproduced freely as long as it is not for commercial benefit and FRDC's FISH © is acknowledged as the source. Otherwise, reproduction is forbidden without written prior permission of FRDC. FRDC is always happy to receive feedback and story suggestions. Please send these to the Communications Team.

In this issue

Production, perceptions improving

A look back at the last financial year shows that addressing the environmental factors that affect fishing continues to dominate research, but investment out of the water is also providing good...


Voyage to an electric future

Smarter technology could be the drawcard that brings new respect and a new generation to the fishing industry


Seabed ecology in the spotlight

Large datasets and modelling tools are creating new capability for both the sustainable harvest and conservation of seabed ecologies By Gio Braidotti As part...


New fishery founded on smart investment

Evaluating the impact of research will help to maximise the outcomes for future funding


Reporting progress, planning future opportunities

A national discussion is underway on how to improve recreational fishing and share the many benefits it offers with more Australians By Joshua Fielding


The blue waters of salmon farming

International experts gather to help Australia’s Atlantic Salmon industry navigate a course for sustainable growth


Prints reveal beauty in each fish

Traditional methods of recording a fisher’s catch take on new meaning


Engineering new seafood opportunities

While fishers are proud producers of an essential food, research is identifying new processes that have the potential to increase marketability and bring more of the local harvest to our...


Science briefs

Spring survivors


In brief

Join INVENTA aquaculture opportunity audit What are the next big opportunities in aquaculture? More than 90 species have been investigated in the past few decades but only a few have...


Proactive testing tackles algal challenge

A step forward in monitoring and surveillance is helping fishers and shellfish producers address risks that have begun blooming with increased regularity in the southern waters


Nuffield scholar helps fishers make themselves heard

A focus on new opportunities to involve fishers in policymaking brings an international Nuffield Scholar to Australia By Ilaria Catizone


A guide to seafood value-adding technologies


Self-testing helps manage safe mussel harvests

Product safety, waste prevention and reputation protection all benefit from increased monitoring for algal toxins By Catherine Norwood In September 2017,...


Fisher calls for management innovation


The pioneers

Gloria Jones and her daughter Christine Jackson are at the forefront of environmental and industry advances, and paving the way for women in fishing Australia-wide to be heard


Building better boats

The latest additions to Australia’s fishing fleet are lighter and faster, and have more capacity and improved working conditions


The dry argument

Rising demand for high-quality product includes a focus on processing and preparation techniques to optimise flavour, shelf life and handling By Andrew...