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Tactical Research Fund: Development and delivery of an accredited training program toward improved environmental performance in the Southern Shark Fishery

Project number: 2011-408
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $64,900.00
Principal Investigator: Richard Owen
Organisation: East Gippsland Institute Of Tafe
Project start/end date: 11 Mar 2012 - 29 Aug 2012


The need to improve best practice and remove the incidence of interactions, require a means of imparting a comprehensive understanding of methodologies, reporting, and fishing activity.
The current economic benefit accruing to the regional coastal communities, not to mention the flow on multiplier effect from this fishery, should be a major socio economic consideration and a major rationale for maintaining sustainability of this section of the fishing industry. It should be of paramount importance in these times of declining employment opportunities within rural communities to ensure minimal socio economic impact.
Whilst the shark gill net sector was widely regarded in the past as a model of a well-managed sustainable fishery recent events have demanded the sector takes a proactive response. To
address emerging problems.


1. Interpret the draft Code of Practice to produce a customised training program and learning materials
2. Development of a training program in consultation with industry to promote best practice
3. Delivery of the training program to the shark fishery participants
4. Improved industry practices and mitigation of interactions

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9873286-2-5
Author: Richard Owen
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