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People development program: Aquatic animal health training scheme - Christine Huynh

Project number: 2009-315.27
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $4,924.50
Principal Investigator: Christine C. Huynh
Organisation: Dr Christine Huynh - Individual
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2013 - 31 Oct 2014


There are very few experienced aquatic health veterinarians Australia-wide. Of these, there are a very small number practicing in private practice. As the aquaculture industry grows, there is a need for more highly skilled aquatic veterinarians in the country to ensure the industry continues to be successful and expand. Experienced veterinarians are required in the field of disease investigation and treatment, diagnostics, development of farm-based parasite management programs, development of biosecurity and health accreditation programs, reproduction, nutrition and welfare.

I graduated from the University of Sydney in 2011 and have worked in aquatic animal health as a field veterinarian since. My interests lie in production medicine in epidemiology, and I enjoy supporting the development of the food industry.

Diseases of Warmwater Fish (University of Florida) is a course that brings together a collection of aquatic animal health professionals. The organisers of the course are some of the most respected international aquatic health experts currently working or researching in the field. The course is designed as an intensive two-week class that provides instructions in the methodology of diagnosis and treatment of fish disease. By attending this course, I will be able to bring back useful skills to assist in disease investigation, a network of international experts, and a more detailed knowledge of fish disease- directly benefiting industry.


1. To expand the skill set and knowledge of the principal investigator in order to provide a high standard of expertise to the Aquaculture industry.
2. To develop a network of international experts in the field of fish disease and diagnosis for future collaboration.
3. To transfer skills and information gained from the course to businesses, future students, and all members of the Australian aquatic animal health community.
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