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Value adding silver warehou - basic handling and sensory analyses studies

Project number: 1998-420
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $9,750.00
Principal Investigator: Norm Grant
Organisation: Southland Fish Supplies Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 15 Jun 1999 - 18 Sep 2001


Southland is one of the largest operators in the SEF. It operates two vessels of its own and packs and transports fish for three others. The combined catch of these vessels represents about one third of the total SEF quota catch.

Southland has taken steps to improve its marketing procedures in terms of quality controls and management of its distribution procedures, and their returns for most species have improved as a result. However, they have been unable to influence the demand for silver warehou.

The silver warehou quota is a relatively large portion of the overall SEF allocation, and for operators in the fishery such as Southland (facing proportionally large and increasing costs per kilogram to manage, catch and market fish) the consistently poor return for such a large percentage of quota is of great concern.

Southland has limited financial resources for R&D, and before a more costly and lengthy research project is devised, some investigation into the anecdotal suggestions should occur which could provide a documented summary of (preliminary) findings to guide researchers. This would have the additional benefits of helping to set the parameters of further research; might provide some timely information of immediate assistance to fishers, marketers and consumers; and might even foreshadow the product development needs of this fishery and its potential price growth prospects.


1. To undertake a series of experiments to establish if on-board handling is a significant factor in the appearance and eating quality of silver warehou flesh. The main purposes of this are to :a) justify and indicate direction of further research ,if deemed warranted, by testing anecdotal evidence that raw material handling and cooking methods significantly effect culinary excellence and b) to provide some immediate advice to fishers and buyers if significant differences are found
2. To develop cooking methods, recipes and preparation/storage techniques which are most appropriate to silver warehou and will enhance its eating qualities. The main purposes of this are:a) to assist fishers and traders target markets most suited to the usage characteristics of the species
b) to provide immediate information for marketers, trade-end users and consumers about the best utilisation of silver warehou.

Final report

Author: Norman Grant
Final Report • 2001-09-18 • 523.21 KB


Silver warehou (Seriolella punctata) is one of the most abundant species of the South East (Trawl) Fishery but in terms of culinary appeal, compares poorly to many other fish.  Consequently it is not popular in food service markets, reducing its opportunity for price growth.

Anecdotal evidence, however, suggested that the eating quality of silver warehou might be affected by on-board handling,  and that 'in-kitchen' preparation, storage and cooking methods might also significantly affect its culinary appeal.  

This project was a preliminary investigation to test the anecdotal evidence and provide direction for further research in specific areas if warranted. 

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