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People development program: Review and future direction

Project number: 2012-406
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Ken Moore
Organisation: Inovact Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 May 2012 - 30 Nov 2012


The aim of the review of is to assist the FRDC evaluate its people development program, with a view to informing future direction and management of its investment in this area.
It is proposed to engage a consultant to assist the FRDC understand the strengths and weaknesses of the current program, and plan for future management and activities.
This activity does not include a benefit cost analysis of investment in R&D projects, as this is a separate piece of research currently being undertaken.
Australia’s fishing industry comprises commercial aquaculture and wild catch fishing, recreational fishing and Indigenous customary fishing. Stakeholders include all those sectors of industry, the Australian Government, fisheries managers, research providers and communicators, conservation groups, and the community.


1. gauge awareness of the FRDC’s People development program
2. identify current stakeholder priorities for people development investment, and compare these to current program priorities
3. evaluate strengths and weaknesses of internal versus external program management models
4. document roles and/or contributions of recipients of Development Awards pre and post development, to understand whether the people invested in have increased their contribution (cogniscent of the variables to succession, advancement and opportunity), and whether there is broader awareness of this pool of talent.
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