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People Development Program: FRDC indigenous development scholarship - Frank Loban

Project number: 2008-326.34
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $10,000.00
Principal Investigator: Frank Loban
Organisation: Port Kennedy Association
Project start/end date: 4 Feb 2012 - 28 Feb 2013


The indigenous development scholarship is part of the suite of professional development opportunities developed and managed through the FRDC people development program. This particular scholarship addresses the following objectives of the people development program 2008-2013:

Objective 1 Enhance industry leadership within all sectors
and; Objective 3 Provide opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adoption

The significant drivers identified in the FRDC people development program, addressed by this project
- There is a shortage of industry leaders in all sectors of the fishing industry.
- There is an urgent need to develop people within all sectors who have the skills to effectively contribute to debate and policy development for significant challenges, including access to fish resources.
-Early career researchers and emerging industry leaders lack opportunities for formal mentoring and
professional development.
-There is a shortage of opportunities for people in industry to develop skills that are going to directly
improve business profitability and sustainability.
-The industry is geographically dispersed and fragmented, and needs opportunities to learn within and
across sectors.


1. To provide one annual scholarship for an indigenous person
2. To encourage maximm benefit from the scholarship with a personalised learning program and mentoring
3. Support and encourage the development of sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships between emerging indigenous leaders and host organisations
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