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DAFF Aquatic Animal Welfare Working Group - Communications Coordinator

Project number: 2013-049
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $75,000.00
Principal Investigator: Brett J. McCallum
Organisation: Bresal Consulting
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2013 - 29 Jun 2016


The Aquatic Animal Welfare Working Group (AAWWG) has progressed a structured approach to assessing animal welfare across the 4 sector groups and the development of animal welfare handling guidelines for each sector.

The AAWWG is now in a position to ensure that this knowledge and guidance material on aquatic animal welfare is widely communicated within the various sector groups using established trusted networks and to the broader community.

The project will fund engagement of a part time person to develop of a plan and provide co-ordination with peak bodies across the extremely diverse sectors of aquatic animals.


1. Achieve sustainable improvements in animal welfare based on national and international benchmarks, scientific evaluation and research, taking into account changes in whole of community standards.
2. Achieve effective communication, education and training across the whole community to promote an improved understanding of animal welfare
3. Promote ownership and responsibility for animal welfare by aquatic animal sectors and the benefits of aquatic animal welfare and the AAWS Strategy to the broader Australian community.
4. Improve knowledge developed through industry standards and research on aquatic animal welfare is adapted into national guidelines and broadly communicated across the commercial, recreational, aquaculture and ornamental fish sector

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9577587-5-9
Author: Brett McCallum
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